From Stumbling Blocks to Stepping Stones

From Stumbling Blocks to Stepping Stones

stumbling-blocks-sign This spiritual practice helps you focus in on the stumbling blocks that are standing in the way of you experiencing the highest level of inner peace, joy, and enrichment you deserve, and gives you practice on working through them.

Here’s How:

Select an area in your life where you feel stuck … where the Truth Principles you believe in do not seem to be working.

Write a paragraph describing the situation in detail, including your feelings, beliefs, and attitudes surrounding the situation.

Determine the stumbling block(s) that are involved. (For the purposes of this practice, we are using the four stumbling blocks identified in Heart-Centered Metaphysics by Paul Hasselbeck, and Applying Heart-Centered Metaphysics by Paul Hasselbeck & Cher Holton). The four stumbling blocks are:

  • Fear
  • Attachment
  • Resistance
  • Unforgiveness

(Note: You will probably discover that these four often show up together, and feed each other!)

SteppingStones-webNow create an Rx, or personal prescription, using all your spiritual tools, to turn the stumbling blocks into stepping stones for your spiritual enrichment and growth. Put your plan into action!

Examples of tools are:

  • Meditation
  •  Affirmative Prayer
  • Denials
  • Affirmations
  • Spiritual Practices
  • 12 Powers
  • Praise, blessings
  • Gratitude
  • Generosity
  • Forgiveness
  • Visualization

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