Footprints in the Sand


As we move through these unprecedented times, it is natural to experience a variety of emotions, from fear to confusion to anxiety to questions. We have the privilege of talking with lots of people through our spiritual coaching and mentoring, and the question we hear most often is "Why is this happening? I feel like everything I believe in is deserting me!"

Am I in this alone?

It seems people are feeling more isolated than ever, with physical distancing keeping them apart from friends and loved ones. We are missing our social get-togethers, coffees, and hugs! But one thing you can be sure of: 

You are not alone! And we promise that your Truth Principles and Spiritual Practices are more important now than ever!

One spiritual practice we recommend is inspirational poetry to keep your spirits uplifted. One of the most popular poems our coaching folks tend to recall is the Footprints in the Sand, written by Mary Stevenson in 1939. Rev. Bil has adapted her original poem to fit our MetaSpiritual belief system. We hope you find it inspiring and uplifting!

One night I was walking contemplatively along a moonlit beach. I stood for a moment, closed my eyes, and saw many mental images of my life experiences flash across my mind. Then images of footprints in the sand appeared as if to footnote my mental visions.

Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there was one set of footprints. This confused me because I noticed that during low periods in my life, when I was going through what I considered to be tough times, I could see two sets of distinct footprints. Then I had an ‘Aha’ moment.

I said aloud to myself, “When I forget who I really am, I slip back into the embedded theology I grew up on, and in the most trying periods of my life there seem to be two sets of footprints in the sand.” 

It occurred to me that when I neglect to pay attention to the truth principles I’ve learned, I fall into the ‘duality and separation from Spirit’ trap. When I do that, I see two sets of footprints. Every time I petition, beg, or ask an anthropomorphic God in the sky for something, I see two sets of footprints. Every time I fail to see the sacred oneness in all things, I see two sets of footprints.

But when I remember that I’m one with the Global Omnipresent Divinity, the One Reality, the Great I Am - I see one distinct set of footprints. I remind myself there’s no separation or duality. I remember that I’m an individualized Life Force of GOD actualizing as me! I remember the words of the Christ as Jesus when he said, “Peace, be still.”

© 2020 Revs. Drs. Bil and Cher Holton, The Global Center for Spiritual Awakening, usage permission given to Unity Center for YOUniversal Prosperity

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