Extraordinary You Handouts-new


Resources and Handouts

Here you'll find the resources we used during our series focusing on Using Your 7 Core Abilities to Be Extraordinary. We offer these resources at no charge other than a voluntary Love Offering, which we gratefully accept! We affirm your abundant flow of money, resources, and people to support your dreams, your lifestyle, and your work as you experience ever-increasing Health, Happiness, Inner Peace, and Financial Freedom by walking the spiritual path on practical, positive, prosperous feet!

Be Extraordinary!

Using Your 7 Core Abilities to Be Extraordinary!

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Overview & Authentegrity

An overview of the 7 Core abilities and a Summary Worksheet to capture your key words, reminders, and situations for use

An Overview of Authentegrity and Reflection questions for better personal understanding of this Core Value

Values Clarification Activity & Spiritual Practice for Authentegrity

A Values Clarification Activity to identify and prioritize your top 5 values

A Spiritual Practice with Reflection questions for Authentegrity


Intuitive Wisdom

An Overview of Intuitive Wisdom and Reflection questions for better personal understanding of this Core Value

A quiz to measure your level of using your Intuitive Wisdom

A Spiritual Practice to strengthen your Intuitive Wisdom: Intuitive Retreat Forward


Inner Strength

An Overview of Inner Strength, Reflection questions for better personal understanding of this Core Value, and a Spiritual Practice to strengthen it.


Optimistic Spirit

An Overview of Optimistic Spirit, Reflection questions for better personal understanding of this Core Value, and tips to strengthen it.

A Spiritual Practice to strengthen your Optimistic Spirit..


BONUS SESSION: Manifestation + Optimistic Spirit

Understanding the Principles of Manifesting from the Field, and signs you are close -- Handout


Questioning Unquestioned Answers

An Overview of Questioning Unquestioned Answers, and Reflection questions for better personal understanding of this Core Value.

A Spiritual Practice to Question Unquestioned Answers.



An Overview of Self-Reliance, and Reflection questions/Tips for better personal understanding of this Core Value.

Self-Reliance Quiz

A Spiritual Practice to enhance Self-Reliance.


Giving Consciousness

An Overview of Giving Consciousness, and Reflection questions/Tips for better personal understanding of this Core Value.

A Spiritual Practice to enhance Giving Consciousness: The 31-Day "Give the Gift Of..." Challenge. (The calendar is for December, but you can use it for any month of the year!)

Plus a special worksheet to use with this Challenge!

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Offered on a Love Offering Basis! Thank you for your generous donation!

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