Looking Back on Creation

Spiritual Practice: Looking Back on Creation

artist-self-portrait-caIdentify something you have created (i.e., some crafty object; a garden or landscape; a work project; a musical score; a recipe; etc.). Looking back, identify the Divine Idea your creation is expressing — and consider several other ways that same Idea could be expressed.

(Example: The Divine Idea of Beauty could be expressed in a garden, artwork, or the presentation of a meal.)

How Do I Use This to Help My Current Situation?

As you run into challenges and difficult situations in your life, go into meditation and open up to a Divine Idea — then brainstorm a variety of ways you can express that Divine Idea to handle your issue from your highest level of Consciousness. (If you have trouble connecting with a Divine Idea, just choose one of the 12 Powers and use that to start the process!)

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