The Legacy of Myrtle Fillmore

Myrtle Fillmore's Legacy as the Mother of Unity

Myrtle Fillmore Image

"All of us sooner or later come to the place in our development where we are no longer satiosfied to go on living the old life without the knowledge of our oneness ... Sometimes, when we reach this point in our soul's progress, we do not at first know just wjat is taking place. We may become restless and dissatisfied. We may go through experiences which we do not understand. WE may even be tempted to think that our good has gone from us. But just as surely as there is God the One Presence and One Power, we shall find that ... we are but going from one room, as it were, into another, larger and lighter room."

Myrtle Fillmore signature

Myrtle Fillmore

Myrtle Fillmore, the "Mother of Unity," was an amazing woman, an incredible soul! Where Charles was the deep thinker, the metaphysician, the “head” side of the movement, Myrtle definitely represented the heart side, the practical side, the side that lived on faith in principle. But don’t kid yourself! Myrtle was deep too – she knew her metaphysics and her advice is both practical AND mystical.

Let’s look at the legacy she taught us:


Myrtle taught us the power of our words, and how to get results from our affirmations.

Myrtle was big on being aware of the words we use, and taught us to always stay focused on affirmative prayers of Spirit rather than requesting material results in our prayers. A funny story that shares Myrtle’s warning to be careful in asking comes from the book Torch-Bearer to Light the Way: “By asking for the wrong things, we court disaster," she said. Then she told the story of the young woman who prayed for a husband. Myrtle reported, “Well, it took her just six weeks to “demonstrate” her man; but it took her six years of hard work, sorrow, and pain to get rid of him!” Be careful what you affirm!

A simple truth, but so powerful! And she went on to teach us: When we affirm something, our actions must be congruent with our words. For example, she said that it is ridiculous to affirm good health, then continue to eat in an unhealthy manner, or continue unhealthy habits. What a powerful lesson: Make our words and actions congruent, and in alignment with Principle!

Are you leaving a legacy to others by demonstrating an alignment between what you say and what you do?

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Myrtle taught us the importance of having fun!

Many people don't realize what a fun person Myrtle was! She often danced at the Sunday School parties with the children, and she had a great sense of humor! Once, at the end of a prayer meeting that had a packed house, Charles spontaneously invited the entire congregation to their home for a bite to eat. As he stepped back, Myrtle rose and declared quietly, “If you all come, there’d better be another expression of the miracle of the loaves and fishes!”

This is particularly funny because everyone knew that Myrtle did not cook! In fact, when her son, Rick, designed their home, The Arches, he deliberately omitted putting in a kitchen in! He knew Myrtle felt more called upon to teach and minister than to cook! And furthermore, Charles’ mother lived right next door, and did all the family cooking! [The Unity Way, by Marcus Bach]

Are you finding the FUN in your spiritual journey?


Myrtle taught us how to apply Principle to everyday issues.

She says, A few strong statements of Truth can put fears to rest! Myrtle actually shared a formula to bring an end to all undesirable states (related to health, lack, relationship issues, emotions, anything!) It is simple (but not necessarily easy!). When you become aware of an undesirable state in your life:

  • Stop believing in it. (Stop giving it power.) [Don’t you love it when it’s simple??]
  • Make up your mind that you’re not going to stand for it, not a moment longer;
  • Watch your thoughts, attitudes, and actions to see that you do not invite the undesirable state to return.

Are you bringing an end to the undesirable issues and experiences in your life?


Myrtle taught us how to ensure uninterrupted prosperity.

She advised, “The first thing for you to do is discard the words that have in them the idea of poverty, and then select carefully the words that hold the idea of plenty. Never make an assertion, no matter how true it may look on the surface, that you do not want continued or reproduced in your life.  Do not say money is scarce; the very statement of such a thought will send money fleeing from your fingers. Never say times are hard for you; instead, begin right now to talk plenty, think plenty, and give thanks for plenty.)

Are you leaving a legacy of prosperity consciousness through your words and actions?

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Myrtle taught us the power of Affirmative Prayer.

Whenever there was a financial  need, personally or for Unity, the first thing Myrtle and Charles did was turn to prayer. The leadership used ‘Silent Unity’ as well. Once Unity was in serious financial straits. Bills that had to be paid were piling up, and there did not seem to be money enough to meet the payroll. The Fillmores called their staff together to pray about the matter. One of the staff said, "Let's pray that the money holds out."  Myrtle firmly reminded them: "Oh, no! Let’s pray that our faith holds out!” (The Story of Unity, by James Dillet Freeman)

What a timely message for us as we go through our own economic challenges! Is your prayer life focused on affirming Truth

Let's all take the legacy from Myrtle Fillmore, and claim this Truth: we are God expressing, we are Divine, we are worthy --  live that Truth, every moment of every day, making Myrtle’s legacy our own!

Be safe – Be healthy – Be Extraordinary -- as you walk the spiritual path on practical, positive, prosperous feet!

Download your own Message From Myrtle, which includes a summary of these 5 points!

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