Client Testimonials

Testimonials-ClapBd:MasksRead Reviews from Some of Our Fans!

Cher is simply wonderful. As her session descriptions aptly promise, she is a skilled trainer who creates wonderfully interactive environments for participants to discuss, grow, and learn. I have had the opportunity to invite Cher to work with a wide range of audiences in my organization, from senior execs to managers to volunteer leaders. In every instance, she has been wonderful to work with and exceeded our expectations.

-Matt DeMarco, Former Director, Leadership Development
American Farm Bureau Federation

Can you say “WOW”! I mean can you say “WOW”! I have had the distinct pleasure of knowing and working with Cher for more than 15 years. Cher is truly a Customer/Client Advocate! Cher starts all her consultations with, “At the end of my session what do you want your team members to walk away from the session with?” Everyone that I have ever sent to a Cher EXPERIENCE and you have to use the word EXPERIENCE is never the same after. Her message sticks and I still find myself to this day referring to things she taught me in the first session I ever attended in 1994. Cher is CHARISMATIC, HONEST, ENERGIZING, and RIGHT ON for transforming individuals and teams! I highly recommend your organization using Cher and her expertise to transform your organization and you.

-Richard Palsha, Manager of Training & Leadership Development
Swisher International, Inc.

I wanted to let you know how extremely pleased our audience was with your presentation at our Leadership Conference in Rio Rancho, NM. The team building exercises brought out the most enthusiasm I have seen in a group of people who had never met before. Your enthusiasm was contagious. You made us think, laugh, and some even cry with your incredible story-telling ability. … We look forward to working with you both again at our future conferences around the country.

Cindy Kornegay, Director
Sprint PCS

You had your work cut out for you in terms of meeting our objectives, but you actually exceeded our expectations! You were able to generate excitement and interest among our team leaders and managers, and provide tools and strategies to address every issue they brought to the program.

Your ability to present an incredible amount of usable information while staying focused on participant needs, and to involve everyone in a powerful way is impressive. Every session was fun, informative, and exciting. Folks are asking for more!

Tricia Payne, Q.A. Training Coordinator

Your session (with our bookers on Reframing to Book More Guests) was fantastic! I just downloaded it so we can listen again. You really presented sound and motivating points which we need to review in order to incorporate. This motivation and new confidence will translate into better relationships with producers and more bookings!… You are a gifted speaker and motivator.

Christy McGlothlin, Booking Manager
Special Guests, Inc.

Bil and Cher, … Your message is timeless, inspiring and motivating….and your teaching style is so entertaining, enjoyable, and accessible! Also I appreciate the handouts!”

Jeanne Schellhase,
Unity of Gaithersburg, MD

Wow! Fantastic! Great Job! These were just some of the comments on the evaluations from our annual meeting. What can I say? You did a super job and everyone loved you. …Your presentations were wonderful—engaging, lively, and full of great information. … You two are a great team and I’m glad I had the privilege of spending time with you! Thanks for helping us make our meeting one of the best we have ever had in 33 years.-

Sue Pittman, Program Coordinator
ElecTel Cooperative Credit Union

Cher is one of the few consultants that I have worked with in my 20+ years in Organizational Development that truly understands and values, “partnering”. Her passion, background and expertise allows her to consistently design and implement strategies that at the end of the day make a dramatic impact and positive difference. She provides customized solutions for any client she comes in contact with. After my clients utilized her services, they continually asked for her to partner with them over and over again.

-Tracey Simmons, Sales Coach and
Professional Development Specialist

Your energy and enthusiasm along with your ability to communicate lots of practical information in an entertaining and professional manner was wonderful. … You have a talent for teaching and helping others feel good about themselves. Your presentation skills are superb.

Carol Hacker, Programs Co-Chair
SHRM South Conference

Thank you for the extraordinary seminar you presented for our Underwriting Managers. It is clear you have a great gift to identify the audience and customize a presentation to be a hands-on learning experience. Participants said your program was the most influential segment of the school!

Jennifer Halverson, Training Coordinator

Thank you for meeting with my team and helping us to “stay in control in a world gone bonkers!” Your presentation was motivational and thought-provoking. My team has been re-energized and we are truly ready to face the new challenges ahead.

Rick Barnes, Manager, TAAS


You added tremendous value to the program! You have brought to our TEAM Excellence effort what we need to accomplish our goals. Thank you very much!

Charles D. Leffler, Associate Vice Chancellor
Facilities Division, NCSU

You captivated the group in a fun way and encouraged both relaxation and creativity. It was hilarious to watch as they stepped outside their comfort zones to participate in the team activities and share ideas. …You have a knack for connecting with our employees and we really appreciate it.

Audrey Williams, Manager of
Training and Development
N.C. Assoc. of Electrical Cooperatives, Inc.


Here are just a few of the many positive comments we’ve received from participants in your PRIDE in Performance ~ Making Your Customers Say “Wow!” program:

  • “Outstanding presentation-has motivated me to go back to the job and take action to improve my relationships with coworkers as well as the external customer.”
  • “This program was so specific to Sprint it is obvious Cher designed it just for us. Cher did her homework, and it showed!”
  • Cher made the session so much fun—and so packed with practical ideas! 10+”
  • “This was a dynamic session that made the concept of service really come alive for me, and helped me understand … if we are to succeed as a company, we each must recognize our role in developing a service culture!

Thanks for a fabulous job – You exceeded my expectations!

Janet Holliday-Cashwell, Manager


Thank you for the excellent Team Building Workshop you conducted for my Business Unit. … I was impressed with how quickly both of you were able to build a rapport with the group as well as the individual managers. Your preparation was excellent.  … Your skills in conducting the workshop were critical to its success. You effectively exposed the issues, facilitated the discussion to allow progress toward resolution, and combined “entertainment and fun” to the overall experience. … I was impressed!

Tom Keiser, GM
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.

You are paragon professionals! Your coaching sessions helped me distill down my message into a single memorable “sound byte” that reflected the benefits I have to offer. You beautifully blended time-honored speaking strategies with my topic to accelerate my platform and presentation skills. You had my best interests in mind, and this created an excellent synergetic partnership that spawned a wealth of marketing, keynote, and breakout session ideas that I continue to draw from!

Scott Hagwood, Professional Speaker
4-time National Memory Champion


I was part of Sprint PCS start-up team in Fort Worth, TX, and I have tremendous vivid joyful memories of each of our meetings! Your insight, knowledge, caring and wisdom have helped me to grow as an individual, as a person, and as a manager of people. … Your books, along with our meetings, have helped me complete my managerial philosophy, as well as help me to be successful in life. I often quote you (and give you credit!) in my training. You are awesome!

Jorge Molina, VP, Customer Relations/HRD

It is always a pleasure doing business with folks who are fun and friendly—and you two certainly are! You did a super job on your speech—and the dance was just the icing on the cake! You gave us great techniques to “Dance through life on two left feet!” My mail box has been flooded with positive feedback! Thanks so much – and MOOMBA, MOOMBA, MOOMBA!!

Pat Finch

I have just finished my telephone poll with the participants in your recent training session. Some of the newer trainers thought you had worked for Office Depot because you know the situations they faced every day. The research you did really hit home because the session was all about them. Your program was so focused on Office Depot, the cultural issues and the work issues our trainers deal with. You really do “walk the talk” and have become a legend and a role model! Thanks for making me look good for hiring you.

Greg Crouse, Sr. Manager, Operations Training
Office Depot, Inc.
