Presenting With Pizzazz! 

Cher-clapboard-presentation skillsTraining should be fun!
Speeches should be exciting!
Cher Holton can make that vision become a reality!

Uniquely qualified to work with In-House Trainers, Speakers, and Subject-Matter Experts,  Cher Holton brings a wealth of experience, an earned designation of Certified Professional Speaker, and rave reviews to every program and coaching opportunity she facilitates. Whether you want to add unique interaction to your training sessions or spice up your presentations, Cher Holton can help you transform yourself into a presenter with pizzazz! Known for her Interactive Keynotes and dynamic TurboTraining sessions, Cher knows how to  make a difference that translates to bottom-line success. Our most popular programs are listed below.

BONUS: These programs can be presented to small groups in a Think Tank style, virtually or face-to-face.

Adding Pizzazz and Impact to Your Programs

Do your programs lack pizzazz and interest? Are participants yawning or nodding off during the most critical  segments?  Do you suffer from platform phobia? Do you panic when you need to use audio-visuals? This is the program for you! It is designed to provide basic presentation skills to individuals who will be involved in training a variety of topics, including technical and/or people skills. Whether you present in conjunction with your job, or do it on a full-time basis, this program will provide a wealth of tips and strategies to guide you in increasing your platform polish and adding value to every program you conduct . . . without using a lot of high-tech equipment!

Interactive-colorful-optAs a result of this turbo-session, participants will develop skill in:

  • analyzing the audience;
  • rehearsing for effective presentations;
  • selecting appropriate delivery techniques;
  • handling anxiety and fear;
  • establishing rapport with the audience;
  • generating enthusiasm and involvement;
  • using flip charts and overheads effectively;
  • choreographing body language with the message;
  • handling challenging situations;
  • adding props for impact;
  • using humor and stories appropriately;
  • handling the Question/Answer period;
  • opening and closing the sessions effectively;
  • ensuring transfer of training.

Timeframe: 3-hour overview or intensive 2-day program which includes presentation and feedback.

How to Pizzazzer-cize Your Training:
The “Create-Customized-Content” Secrets Every Trainer Needs to Know!

Interactive-trainingEspecially for new and seasoned in-house trainers! Get ready to update your training programs, making them more contemporary, unique, and interactive! Get rid of those old activities, stories, and interactions you’ve been using for years! Get into a whole new level of professionalism with your clients! How? In this one-of-a-kind workshop, master trainer and facilitator Cher Holton shares her secrets for creating unique, out-of-the-box activities and memorable examples that make your training sessions dynamic, powerful, practical, and fun. Are you ready to totally transform your training programs, and stretch your skills to a whole new dynamic level? Then this is the program for you!

Timeframe: 3 hours

Confidential One-on-One Presentation Skills Coaching

Fear-speaking-optAs an executive or professional, your credibility is critical. Nothing affects your credibility and professional image as much as your ability to present. Every time you are in front of a group, whether it is in a small employee meeting, a large audience, or a group of potential or current clients, you have the privilege of inspiring, educating, and guiding the decisions of those listening to you. This confidential coaching is customized to address your specific needs, and is designed to give you special one-on-one guidance in enhancing the quality and comfort level of your presentation skills.

Each coaching project is designed to fit the issues and style of the executive, and can be conducted at the executive’s worksite or at an offsite location. While the goals of each project vary, here are some examples of the kinds of issues that can be addressed:

  • Speak with more projection and vocal variety;
  • Improve persuasiveness and ability to positively influence people and events;
  • Use more powerful body language to build rapport and establish a confident professional image;
  • Create effective visuals to support the message being presented (warning: we will probably give your PowerPoint slides a total make-over!);
  • Develop creative presentation techniques, such as story telling, use of props, and interaction;
  • Make effective use of rehearsal time;
  • Select appropriate delivery styles based on audience analysis and room layout;
  • Deal effectively with anxiety and fear;
  • Manage a powerful Question/Answer period;
  • Develop dynamic openings and closings;
  • Enhance stage presence.