What Am I Doing?

Spiritual Practice: What Am I Doing?

Runner-Self-Reliant-ca32137524-webThis is a great spiritual practice to help you be consciously aware of your threefold nature: body, mind, and Spirit. It has two parts: one you perform in the morning, a part of your morning meditation, and the other you perform at the end of the day, as you meditate for daily closure.

Here’s How:

During your morning meditation, take time to consciously reflect on three powerful questions:

  • What am I going to do today to take care of my body?
  • What am I going to do today to take care of my mind?
  • What am I going to do today to remember I am Spirit? 

Pay attention to the Divine Ideas that arise as a result of these stimulating questions, and journal specific actions you will take throughout the day.

At the end of the day, as you meditate, reflect on these three questions:

  • What did I do today to take care of my body?
  • What did I do today to take care of my mind?
  • What did I do today to remember I am Spirit?

Journal your responses, and your feelings that result. Use this to either reinforce good spiritual practices or to recognize areas you may choose to strengthen.