
Just-in-Time Coaching™ 

Coaching-DirectorChair_1147334Just-in-Time-Coaching™ is professional development handled privately and confidentially. It is an on-going business partnership between coach and client that focuses on the client’s personal and professional development. Just-in-Time Coaching™ provides real-time consultation on important issues and concerns that require a client’s immediate attention.

Who Uses Just-in-Time Coaching?

Typically, the clients who employ Just-in-Time Coaching™  as a key strategy in their development are people who:

  • recognize that top performers need help from top performers, experts need help from experts, and doers need help from doers;
  • are high achievers and want to make the best possible choices; 
  • are results-oriented and pragmatic;
  • welcome feedback and use it as a sounding board to confirm or challenge their thinking. 

Just-in-Time Coaching™  begins with a phone call or email from a prospective client explaining the kind of coaching help wanted. Based on our initial complimentary 30-minute session, together we will determine your specific needs, discuss scheduling parameters, and explain payment options. 

coaching-picOur most popular Just-in-Time Coaching™ opportunities are:

  • Leadership Skill Development
  • Presentation Skills
  • Inner Focus Strategies (meditation; focused awareness; stress management techniques)


